Friday, October 13, 2023



11months ...and we're at the 'pointy end' ....that means, production is about to start ...  if you care to pop on over to the website, you'll find a new post there pre-empting the 'official' announcements - it's the EARLY BIRD peek just for you!    Here's the link;   Maureen's Website   and hint:  Subscribe please, it costs nothing and there's another post coming quickly to give you more information about the album itself.

This has been such a fabulous project to work on that the curators and I agreed it was worth a documentary in its own right.  So we've been steadily compiling that over the past few months and it will be posted up to one of my Youtube channels before the official launch of the album.

The project itself emerges in 3 stages;   1.  the music is exposed in December    2. the larger exhibition arrives at the Timeless Textiles Gallery in Newcastle in January, where you will be able to listen to each track that inspired the artwork you're viewing.   3. The reduced exhibition comes home to The Hunter Wetlands gallery space in April and will be celebrated accordingly.

If you're in Newcastle on Sunday December 10th, around 2pm, you're invited to come along to the album launch at the Wetlands itself - this will be a part fundraiser for the Centre and the only cost will be their regular entry fee [$7.50 adults/$5 senior+concession.