Thursday, January 28, 2021

Covoid Bounceback!

 After more than 12 months in the wastelands, accompanied by undelivered shows and concerts,  we're treading the boards once more in Newcastle.

With a small troupe - just 4 of us - we'll be delivering the UH! OH! REVIEW:  When the things you planned don't go to plan   ..... on  Saturday 20th February, 7.30pm  at the Royal Exchange Salon Theatre, Bolton Street Newcastle.   A ONE NIGHT ONLY  comedy review of songs, sketches, and confessional tales.

As Covoid restrictions are still with us, tickets are limited and the show is likely to be booked out.  We recommend that you get in early to secure a seat.    Online bookings can be made via   or phone the theatre direct - 4929 4969   [more information on the booking link too]