As this month draws to a close, so does the end of an era.
After 5 years in the world of [Mainstream]
traditional musical theatre, I’ve opted to hang up my Theatre Cloak. If you've been along to see all or some of the productions, I thank you very much. If you didn't make it, then here's the lesson - value what you've got while you've got it because when it's gone, it's gone!
Whilst it’s been an absolute HOOT! - and I’ve
met and worked with some oh-so-very-talented-people – it’s an all-consuming
activity during the long months of a production.
Such heavy commitments take a toll – both physically and in terms of
other creative projects which have to be put on hold during the production
I’ll continue to write of course .... and plan to
do a few hybrid shows next year – along the lines of the Speakeasy which ran in
December and January. And some of my
stories may well turn up in book form in the future. But there are other
mediums which could well provide a suitable vehicle – especially for my comedy
Stay Tuned!
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In the meantime - a few classic quotes/lyrics from the past 5 years:-
- From Wallycom 2017: "...She’ll never last that one! Y’gotta have a hide like a rhino – and the habit of a wino – to do that job...."
- From Ladies Who Almost Lunch 2017: "....So Down the Hatch to choices made, and up yer arse to hopes betrayed...the cards were stacked and all were played, and life is nothing more...than a masquerade ...anyway..."
- From Table Manners 2016: “...tight schedule!? She’s wound up tighter than a size 10 Gstring on a size 20 body. Y’ don’t wanna be around when THAT string snaps, she’ll be richocheting from Honeysuckle to Cessnock! AND she’s got the table manners of a feral rabbit!”
- From Thunderbelly 2016:"Life they say is very strange...‘n history shows things never changewe need new shoes, the rent is due, ... so what’s a working girl to do"
- From Upstairz Downstairz V2 2015 “ Aw, you lot dunno when you’ve got it good! Try being a muso! everyone wants it for nothing ...Or they wanna pay you in food and drink...and y’outta Try street busking – then you’ll know what tough is! miserable bastards toss in 20cents" "20cents?!?! You lucky bastard – last time I went busking I got a skinful of cocktails chundered into me hat!”
- From Upstairz Downstairz V1 2014 “A bloke - or a Sheila – should stand by their mates through thick and thin, be True Blue and Fair Dinkum, even when they’re wearing thongs and stubbies....or in the case of a Sunday barbie, even if they’re drinking beer from stubbies and wearing thongs for either case neither is as attractive as it sounds”!"
- From Between the Lines 2013/2014/2015 “And here I am looking at Mr Potter, his bulging muscles succumbed to gravity and ended up as a pot-belly hanging over the top of his long brown shorts…..thrilling me no end with an expanse of skinny, hairy legs all the way down to his sandals and mis-matched socks. True , his body IS glistening with sweat – but believe me it’s not a pretty sight.