Monday, July 15, 2013

A World of Music

Gosh there's lots happening in my world of music of late - and once again the Great Juggling Challenge is underway.
I'm loving working with the - now - 4 Community Chorus groups/choirs I'm coaching.  They're small groups but so enthusiastic....and I just love to hear their comments as they're leaving a session - like "gee, I couldn't have done THAT 12 months ago!"   and "this is the sanest hour of my week, I LOVE coming here"  or "I'm always learning something new here".   It really makes me feel that I'm making a contribution - on an individual level as well as to my community.

My own personal challenges lay in building 2 different repertoire/s of material for the 2 duo's I'm working in :-  RUBY BLUE   and   2PIECE SWEET .    The sounds are so very different, the material is poles apart, and with varying skills levels, each duo is progressing at different rates.   It does my head in sometimes! 

On the Theatre front..........
Currently, I'm directing a small cast for a new season of "Between the Lines" - you may have seen it when it first opened {@ 3 years ago now - doesn't time fly?!}.  The season opens on 25 October at my favourite venue The Royal Exchange Salon Theatre.  I'm fortunate in having a combination of  very experienced performers and raw recruits - more about the cast next month - bringing a new perspective and new dimension to the production.
Also under wraps is a new musical I'm writing - again for a small cast - which I hope to put into production in November for a Feb/Mar opening.  

Life in The Arts is never boring!.......and provides a never-ending fount of exciting new beginnings.

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