Sunday, August 14, 2022

a Zoom Year!

 Dang it!  "Sorry Miss, Covid ate my year" zoomed passed

Yup, here we are - far too many months since my last post! - and little to report for the year of 2022!   No live gigs, no new albums!  

but hey!  we've marked the first birthday of Whimsical  and if you haven't got your copy yet, it's easy to get one.  Just contact me direct - or you'll find the whole album on most of the streaming services....Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music, ITunes, Amazon, and a whole bunch more!

The Meeting Arts channel on YouTube is up and running ...if you haven't checked it out, here's your chance to meet some local home-grown artists,  with a few more in progress.  Meeting Arts

There's also been a few more songs loaded up to the music channel here:  Maureen's Original Music

And the Sidestep Comedy channel - although hibernating for a couple of chilly months - has quite a few new vids up as well;  Sidestep Comedy  with some familiar faces recognisable to many of our theatre patrons.

I'd love to hear from you sometime...send me an email or a message ....Spring's coming with it's warmer weather so perhaps inspiration might encourage some live appearances before the year's out!   

Til then,  keep listening