Today I completed the first studio session for a brand new album and it's just sooo delightful to be working with the excellent skills of Robbie Long once again. Not only a multi-award-winning fabulous musician, Rob's also a master behind the desk in his sound studio here in Newcastle. I reckon he could make a duck with laryngitis sound good! I'm over the moon that in just 1 x 5hr session, we've actually got the bedding tracks for a whole album locked down. 12 tracks in one session - down to my satisfaction....that's outstanding! {and if Hachabel is reading this....the renovated studio is very comfortable boys hehehe!]
I'm opting to keep this album simple and uncluttered. Not too many instruments, not overproduced. As others have commented to me previously, "the songwriting is the artwork - the songs can stand up proudly in their own right. They don't need to have masses of instruments or sounds to enhance them". I've finally come to believe in that principle.
The songs on this album are an eclectic mix ranging from Jazz/Blues, Comedy, Soft Rock, Urban Folk, and even a touch of Mozart would you believe it?!?! I'll tell you more about them later when the album is ready for release. In the meantime, if you have any ideas for a title I'd love to hear them. Tell you what - there'll be a free copy of the new album for the best - selected - suggestion! Put your thinking caps on, eh?
On other Mojo Matters, - I'm trialling a new initiative at the Royal Exchange Theatre in Newcastle. For the month of July I'll be doing a series of morning shows - every Tuesday in July. The format will be a morning tea followed by a show loosely based around the theme of *Gravity *Grandchildren and *Ageing Disgracefully. I'll have a guest artist at each show. If you'd like more information on this one - like to come along, or tell a friend - check the theatre's website:
- I'm also organising some fundraisers in the next few months - for Heart Magazine [a not-for-profit publication that recognises and celebrates the achievements of Australian Indigenous Women] - and for Folk in Broke [a not-for-profit community festival in the Hunter which showcases the music, talents, art and produce of the Hunter region and welcomes Australian talent from across the country]. If you'd like to jump on board and help or support either [or both] of these worthwhile projects, please check out their websites and contact me for details. and